Synopsis of included files:

com/amiga/ Gibbs' and Kuche's simulator, for reference
com/asmacros.h Assembler macros for 68K
com/benchtest Script to time each executable
com/bintoc Script to convert a binary file to embedded C
com/ccpu.c Source for C synthetic 8080/Z-80 CPU instructions
com/com.c Source for CP/M environment
com/com.h Common definitions for simulator
com/ Linker control file for DNIX simulator
com/console.c Source for Console I/O routines
com/cpu.mac Source for 68K synthetic 8080 CPU instructions
com/cpu2.mac Source for 68K synthetic Z-80 CPU instructions
com/cpu2mips.macSource for MIPS synthetic Z-80 CPU instructions
com/cpu2ppc.mac Source for PPC synthetic Z-80 CPU instructions
com/cpumips.mac Source for MIPS synthetic 8080 CPU instructions
com/cpuppc.mac Source for PPC synthetic 8080 CPU instructions
com/dir.c Source for Directory routines
com/disass.c Source for Disassembler (debug)
com/fakefs.c Source for Embedded File system
com/mactodas Script to convert 68K macros to DNIX assembly
com/mactogas Script to convert 68K macros to NeXT (Gnu) assembly
com/mactouas Script to convert 68K macros to SVR4 assembly
com/make.dnix Makefile for 68K DNIX systems
com/make.mips Makefile for MIPS-Linux systems
com/ Makefile for 68K NeXT systems
com/make.osx Makefile for Generic C systems
com/make.ppc Makefile for Mac OSX systems
com/make.sysv Makefile for 68K SVR4 systems
com/Makefile Link (hard) to appropriate system-specific make.x
com/makeflags.c Source for flag table maker (RISC).
com/mipsmacros.hAssembler macros for MIPS
com/ppcmacros.h Assembler macros for PPC
com/README Should be obvious
com/testprogs/ Various CP/M test programs, etc.

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