Besides, it's vaguely funny, short, and easy to remember, and we're planning to replace the counters with.... more Formica! (The ants we're planning to replace with dead ones.)
Coeur d'Alene Symphony promotional materials
Spokane Youth Symphony promotional materials
Central Valley Marching Band promotional materials
This site is served by a 1.4 GHz 2014 Mac Mini, the lowest-power
non-laptop Apple has ever made. It draws about 6W when quiescent, and
has an extremely quiet fan. This latter characteristic is what
prompted the 2019 change in servers (from a faithful
20TH-century G4 "Sawtooth" PowerMac that
drew about 30W) since I now work from home in the computer room, but
the choice of the 4-year-old 2014 model in particular was due to its
low power draw. It is unlikely, however, that the lifetime power
savings will ever pay for the premium I had to pay for such a
new (at the time) unit, versus a similarly-quiet but older and less
expensive 9–13W Mac Mini that would have run the same software.
(Electricity here is only 5.5¢ per kWH.)